For the past 90 years, the Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) has contributed to the development of fundamental research in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation through its policy of encouraging scientific excellence and support for researchers.
With its new strategic plan for refinancing PHARE II, the F.R.S.-FNRS hopes to take up the challenges linked to the evolution of research policies at an international level and help researchers of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation to be a part of the European research area. This plan fits into a national and international context which is highly favourableto research. The European programme Horizon 2020 bears witness to an understanding of the essential role of research as a driving force behind the production of new knowledge and the first link in the innovation process.
The F.R.S.-FNRS is in a development phase which will see its organisation evolve and develop its strategic projects for researchers and reseach by relying on its values of Creativity, Excellence, and Transparency.