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  • CHIST-ERA Call 2023: results available

    The CHIST-ERA network has just selected 9 new projects for funding under the Call 2023 for a total budget of approx. 8,7 M€. 

    This decision follows a call for collaborative research proposals launched in 2023 around two topics: 

    - 7 projects belong to the Multidimensional Geographic Information Systems (MultiGIS)

    - 2 projects belong to the Smart Contracts for Digital Transformation Ecosystems (SmartC)

  • CHIST-ERA webinar on "Open Hardware"

    Sharing hardware is an important practice in research, yet it is not broadly applied. This webinar has presented best practices in sharing hardware as well as opportunities offered by the Open Hardware Repository.

    The presentation was given by Javier Serrano from CERN in Switzeland.

  • CHIST-ERA Project Seminar 2024

    The CHIST-ERA Projects Seminar 2024 took place on a cruise from Helsinki, Finland to Stockholm, Sweden and back on 16-18 April 2024
    The event brought together researchers involved in the ongoing CHIST-ERA funded projects and representatives of the research funding organisations.

  • CHIST-ERA - Pathfinder programme for European coordinated research on future and emerging ICT

    CHIST-ERA is a coordination and co-operation activity of national and regional research funding organisations mainly in Europe and is supported by the Pathfinder programme of the European Innovation Council (EIC) of the European Union through the ERA-NET Cofund funding scheme.

    CHIST-ERA is a programme for European coordinated research on long-term Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and ICT-based scientific challenges.

    CHIST-ERA is a coordination and co-operation activity of national and regional research funding organisations mainly in Europe and is supported by the Horizon 2020 Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme of the European Union through the ERA-NET Cofund funding scheme. The aim is to reinforce the transnational collaboration between the participating states in challenging multidisciplinary research in the ICT and ICT-based areas with the potential to lead to significant breakthroughs. On a yearly basis, the partner organisations identify emergent scientific fields allowing researchers to engage in high risk, high impact projects by launching a transnational call for research proposals. The text of the CHIST-ERA calls are defined and then published within 12 months after the topics selection based on the research community expertise and long-term vision to maintain a high level of relevance of the calls in very competitive evolving areas which need reactivity. The focus is long-term transformational research. The research agendas developed by the FET Flagship initiatives feed into this topic selection process.

    In addition, CHIST-ERA follows the funded projects in organising a yearly CHIST-ERA Conference where projects present their goals and achievements to the research community, CHIST-ERA partners, Flagships communities and other stakeholders.