For more information and details please refer to the Project Guidelines
Use this form to edit the description of your project on the CHIST-ERA website: Main results, key exploitable results, website, image.
Use this form to request the extension of your project or another project modification. The request must be submitted by the project coordinator on the behalf of the consortium.
Use this form to forward a copy of the consortium agreement of your project to the secretariat of CHIST-ERA and the funding organisations in the project. The copy must be signed and uploaded in PDF format.
Click here for uploading your scientific publications on Open Access by entering the DOI of the publication. Your publications will be associated to your project factsheet on the CHIST-ERA website.
Please complete this section if you would like to share a news on your project.
Three years after the end of your project. Use this form to send your exploitation report to CHIST-ERA.
Use this form to forward a copy of your first DMP version to the secretariat of CHIST-ERA and the funding organisations in the project. The copy must be uploaded in PDF format. The Data Management Plans are submitted via the Argos tool of the OpenAIRE platform: . Your Data Management Plan will be machine-readable...