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In this page, you will find the detailed guidelines for CHIST-ERA funded projects. They correspond to requirements at the CHIST-ERA level. A special attention is paid to the scientific monitoring. The financial monitoring is in general the purpose of the national/regional funding organisations involved in the project.


I.    Project Identifier and Acknowledgement of CHIST-ERA

To each funded project, a CHIST-ERA grant identifier (ID) is assigned. You can find your project ID here or as attachment below. The project ID should be mentioned in the publications related to your project (scientific and data publications, deliverables and reports...) and in the project Data Management Plan.

Each publication must acknowledge the CHIST-ERA support and indicate the Project Identifier, for instance: “This work was supported by the CHIST-ERA grant [insert the Project Identifier], by [insert the funding organisation and the grant number for that funding organisation], [insert the next funding organisation and the grant number for that funding organisation], etc.”.

II.   Project Toolbox

An online Toolbox is set up to facilitate the monitoring of your project and interactions with CHIST-ERA and also to foster dissemination and exploitation of the projects outputs. With the toolbox, it is possible:

  • Edit your project description at
  • Request a project modification or extension
  • Forward your project Consortium Agreement to the funding organisations in the project
  • Associate scientific publications in Open Access to your project description at
  • Propose a news to be relayed by CHIST-ERA
  • Submit your Exploitation Report

To access the functionalities of the Toolbox:

  1. Log in or create your account
  2. Go to
III.    Project Start Date

WarningThe funding of all partners in the project should start at the same point in time with at most a few weeks of difference to ensure that the collaborative research can be conducted as planned. Please coordinate with your partners and funding organisations to agree on a common start date.

If you are in a particular case with reasons preventing all the project partners to start the project on the same date, please contact CHIST-ERA (

IV.    Consortium Agreement

A consortium agreement has to be signed by all the project partners no later than three months after the start of the project.
CHIST-ERA does not impose a template, but we advice to follow the DESCA templates.
Once finalised, you must forward your consortium agreement to CHIST-ERA via the Toolbox:
The consortium agreement remains confidential and will be forwarded to the funding organisations of CHIST-ERA in your project only.

V.    Open Access to Publications
The European Commission launched a few times ago an open access publishing platform: Open Research Europe. This platform was open to all Horizon 2020/Europe funded projects until recently and is now open to all projects funded by ERA-NETs like CHIST-ERA.

The training webinar on Open Research Europe platform is available here:

For Call ORD projects:
Please refer to pages 6 & 7 of the Call ORD announcement.

For Call 2022 projects:
Please refer to pages 8 & 9 of the Call 2022 announcement.

For Call 2021 projects:
Please refer to pages 8 & 9 of the Call 2021 announcement.

For Call 2020 projects:
Please refer to pages 8 & 9 of the Call 2020 announcement.
For Call 2019 projects:
Please refer to page 8 of the Call 2019 announcement.

Please use the Toolbox to associate an electronic copy of your publication in open access to your project factsheet at CHIST-ERA website by entering the DoI of the publication:

VI.    Project Activity Report

A scientific activity report must be submitted each year during the project lifetime. The report must be submitted to CHIST-ERA periodic reporting portal within two months after the end of each period.
For this purpose, the project coordinator is contacted by the Italian Ministry in charge of Research (MUR), the funding organisation of CHIST-ERA in charge of the funded projects monitoring. The contact point is Giorgio Carpino:

The scientific activity report is forwarded to the funders involved in the project and to external reviewers for review while respecting the conflicts of interests. The possibility to refuse external reviewers is allowed. The review feedback is transmitted to the funders and project coordinator.

Warning Some funding organisations require separate activity reports for individual project partners. This is specified in the respective individual grant agreements.

VII.    Data Management Plan

A Data Management Plan must be submitted at latest three months after the beginning of the project via an online platform. The Data Management Plan is a living document and it is the responsibility of the project to update it within the same platform (at least once per year), along with the preparation of the yearly project activity report.

The Data Management Plans are submitted via the Argos tool of the OpenAIRE platform:
Your Data Management Plan will be machine-readable, allowing to link the plan with the project scientific publications and underlying data.

The training webinar on DMP is available here:

For Call ORD projects:
Please refer to pages 6 & 7 of the Call ORD announcement.

For Call 2022 projects:
Please refer to pages 8 & 9 of the Call 2022 announcement.

For Call 2021 projects:
Please refer to pages 8 & 9 of the Call 2021 announcement.

For Call 2020 projects:
Please refer to pages 8 & 9 of the Call 2020 announcement.
For Call 2019 projects:
Please refer to page 8 of the Call 2019 announcement.

It is recommended to share research data in FAIR-enabling repositories like and, if possible, with CoreTrustSeal certification.

VIII.    Project Seminars

Each project shall plan its participation to the yearly Projects Seminar of CHIST-ERA, which takes place in the spring of each year (March or April).
Consortia are invited to present the status of their project the seminar and brainstorm on the future of their topic. The project partners and not only the coordinator are encouraged to attend. The related costs are eligible and can be included into the project budget.

IX.    Project Modification

During the project lifetime, CHIST-ERA coordinates the management of the project modification requests (incl. extension). Should the request emanate from a single partner, it is formulated by the coordinator on the behalf of the consortium to CHIST-ERA, which in turn coordinates with the funding organisations.
The project modification should be requested via the online webform in the Toolbox:
Once the modification request is validated by CHIST-ERA, each project partner can submit the request at the national/regional level to the respective funding organisation.

Please refer to these instructions

X.    Your Project Factsheet at

Each project is presented on the CHIST-ERA website. An access to the coordinator is provided, and the project description can be updated at any time and in particular along with the sending of the yearly activity report.
More specifically, the coordinator can:

  • Update the abstract of the project
  • Update the main outcomes and key exploitable results
  • Relate the project to its Open Access publications by simply entering the DoI: Login to your account and click on this link in the Toolbox:

The project factsheet can be updated via the Toolbox at

XI.    Publication of a Project News

Project consortia have the possibility to upload a project-related news. CHIST-ERA will be happy to relay the news on its website and social media.
Therefore, the project coordinator can complete the online webform in the Toolbox:

XII.    Project Exploitation Report

Past projects are invited to submit an exploitation report about 2-3 years after the end of the project. For this purpose the project coordinator is contacted by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR), the funding organisation of CHIST-ERA in charge of promoting the exploitation of the research results of the funded projects.
The template of the activity report is available below as attachment.
The exploitation report is forwarded to the funders involved in the project.

The exploitation report is submitted via the Toolbx at