Webinar on Data Management Plan
The training webinar on Data Management in CHIST-ERA was organised in collaboration with OpenAIRE. the aim was to learn about the newest features and developments in the CHIST-ERA Data Management Plan on ARGOS https://argos.openaire.eu/splash/, including the recently added Software Management Plan.
The PPT presentation of the webinar: https://www.chistera.eu/sites/www.chistera.eu/files/2024-04/Webinar%20on%20CHIST-ERA%20Data%20Management%20Plan.pdf
The recording:
Webinar on Open Research Europe Platform
The European Commission launched a few times ago an open access publishing platform: Open Research Europe. This platform was open to all Horizon 2020/Europe funded projects until recently and is now open to all projects funded by ERA-NETs like CHIST-ERA.
CHIST-ERA fully joins the Open Science agenda of the European Union. Should you be interested in adopting good practices in terms of open access to your publications and underlying data, this platform can act as a resource for guidance and possibly offer you an additional opportunity to publish your articles. Among others, key benefits of publishing with Open Research Europe you could consider are:
- Cost-free and rapid open access publication
- Post-publication peer review that facilitates open and constructive dialogue
- Multiple article types, allowing grant holders to publish throughout the life cycle of their project
- Transparency and compliance with the European Commission’s publishing and data requirements
The PPT presentation of the webinar: https://www.chistera.eu/sites/www.chistera.eu/files/2024-04/ORE%20publish%20with%20us.pdf
The recording: