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The consortium of CHIST-ERA aims at launching a joint funding activity to support the development of Open Science. If the action is confirmed, it will take the form of a call for European projects (at least three partners from three different countries).

The so-named CHIST-ERA Call Open Research Data, to be published Mid-2022, will target projects in the following topic:

Open & Re-usable Research Data & Software (ORD)

The draft topic description below gives an overview of the main items that will form the scope of the call:

  1. Create, enrich or prepare ‘reference data sets’. The objective is to favour the availability and reuse of complex datasets (consisting of disparate datasets, multiple formats, variety and heterogeneity of the data).
  2. ‘Editorialization’ of data: Reduce the distance between the producer of the data and the expected or even unexpected reuser of the data. The objective is to promote reuse for scientific, educational, economic or even journalistic purposes.
  3. Processes and tools to describe, share, reference and archive software source code, in particular with the goal to enhance reproducibility of research results analysed or obtained by these softwares.

Anticipated call deadline

Fall 2022

The list of countries and funding organisations which have shown preliminary interest in participating in the Call Open Research Data is provided in the table below.

Please note that this webpage is for information purposes only. It does not create any obligation for the CHIST-ERA consortium nor for any of the participating funding organisations. The official Call Announcement, to be published later, shall prevail. The contact point of your funding organisation remains at your disposal for any further information (see contact list below).

Country Funding organisation Participation status Contact point 
Belgium F.R.S.-FNRS Considered
Belgium FWO Considered
Czech Republic TACR Considered
France ANR Considered
Israel InnovationAuth TBA
Lithuania LMT Considered
Luxembourg FNR Considered
Poland NCN Considered
Slovakia SAS Considered
Switzerland SNSF Considered
Türkiye TÜBITAK Considered
United Kingdom UKRI TBA