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The CHIST-ERA initiative is looking for highly innovative and multidisciplinary collaborative projects in information and communication sciences and technologies. Thus CHIST-ERA is open to new ideas and original solutions, involving interdisciplinary skills. In addition, the transformative research done in CHIST-ERA shall explore new topics with potential for significant scientific and technical impacts. In the Call 2011, two separate topics are addressed, namely:

From data to new knowledge (D2K)  

Green ICT, towards Zero Power ICT (G-ICT)

The official Call Announcement is available below as attachment.

For this call a one-step submission procedure is employed. Applicants are kindly invited to compile a single full proposal according to the templates available below and submit via the Electronic Submission System (ESS): the applicants will upload the Proposal Form in the ESS and will enter all the administrative and financial data directly in the ESS (the financial template provided here is only given to the applicants to help them preparing the proposal).

Moreover we provide with a Partner(s) Search Tool for submitting Expressions of Interest (EoI) by filling-in the following webform. All the EoI can be viewed here.

For projects selected for funding each partner of the consortium will be funded separately by the respective National Funding Organisation. Therefore all national regulations apply. Eligibility regulations (or links to them) for each National Funding Organisation are given in the appendix of the Call Announcement. Additionally, each PrincipaI Investigator(*), not just the coordinator, has to contact the respective National Contact Point(*) sufficiently prior to submission regarding eligibility issues.

(*) See definitions in the Call Announcement

 Call deadline: 18th of January (12:00 GMT)

 Frequently Asked Questions

Call Information 
Mathieu Girerd
Tel: +33 1 7354 8213


Important note: the participation of IRCSET under topic "From Data to New Knowledge" is confirmed. Ireland will be considered as participating to the call topic for the application of the criteria listed in section 3.1 of the Call Announcement. The participation of BMBF has not been confirmed. Germany will be considered as not participating to the call. However, German research groups interested in being associated to CHIST-ERA projects on "Green ICT" in application of criterion d) of section 3.1 of the Call Announcement can contact Christoph Peschke at PT-DLR.