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  • Expression of Interest

    SIMAVI innovative digital services

    SIMAVI is a software SME with experience in: AI, Big Data & Analytics, IoT & sensors platforms, INOVAGRIA farm management solution (Crop Rotation, Fertilization and Silos Expertise), GIS, Satellite image processing, DSS, AgriFood ICT frameworks & Digital Twins, Data driven XR. Strong experience in over 60 Horizon projects (coordinator, technology partner & pilots in Romania with Farmers & Public Authorities, Ministries):;

    SIMAVI’s DSS capabilities can be summarized as follows:

    • Geospatial data: location, GIS and EGNSS (Galileo/GLONASS/ GPS)
    • Satellite imagery: Landsat 7, Sentinel 2 (RGB, NDVI)
    • Climate data: Historical meteorological data and forecast
    • Agrometeorological data: air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, wind direction, the amount of precipitation, soil temperature, soil humidity
    • In situ data: Farm crop - phenological phase, plant height, degree of plant
    • Forecast data: temperature, pressure, probability of precipitation, wind, clouds, humidity


    SIMAVI’s GIS capabilities can be summarized as follows:

    • Interactive map interface for displaying and viewing geospatial data resources, map navigation
    • Management and visualization of vector, raster data sets and WEB services
    • Manage and display geospatial datasets in the map using configurable legend
    • Toolbar access for manipulating the data displayed in the map interface (selection, measuring areas and distances, centering, zoom in/out)
    • Representation of geospatial data using symbolization techniques/display styles depending on the geometry type of vector data (raster, point, line and polygon)
    • Complex labeling of spatial objects for easy recognition in the map interface
    • Import and export geospatial and alphanumeric data in different formats (specific to raster, vector and tabular data)
    • Simulation scenarios using spatial analysis tools
    • Display, view, import, export and manage different types of raster data (NetCDF, HDF5, GRIB, GeoTIff)
    • Display, view, import, export and manage various types of vector and alphanumeric data (BUFR, GeoJson, GML, KML, SHP, CSV)
    • Functions for simultaneous visualization of alphanumeric information from the attribute table and their correspondent in the map interface
    • Advanced functionalities for exporting alphanumeric information associated with spatial objects in the form of an excel or CSV file (comma-separated values)
    • The possibility to connect Desktop GIS solutions to the database in order to expand WEB capabilities (eg QGIS, ESRI ArcGIS, etc.)