Contact info
Partner looking for projectProf. Liangxiu HanProfessor of Computer Science, Faculty Lead for AI,Digital and Cyber Physical SystemsManchester Metropolitan UniversityUnited Kingdom
Expression of Interest
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityOur Expertise: Specialise in big data/machine learning/AI and have applied these techniques to different domains in energy, smart cities, precision agriculture, health, smart cities, manufacturing, etc. to address societal challenges such as in food security, energy, enviroments, manufacturing, smart cities etc.. We have built capacity and capability in handling and analysing various big datasets such as images including remote sensing (e.g. satellite, drones, robotics), biomedical scans, IoT sensors, smartphones, texts, videos, etc. and capable of rapidly developing scalable AI driven digital platforms/solutions. Some of our exemplar works below (also see the attached PDF)
1. Agriculture:
2. Energy/Smart City: Automatic Real-Time Prediction of Energy Consumption based on Occupancy Pattern for Energy Efficiency Management in Buildings ,
3. Healthcare: ; ; ; ;
Organisation capability/offering:
Manchester Metropolitan University ( one of the largest universities in the UK . The University has been a pioneer in modern education since its origins in 1824. It is ranked within the top 200 young universities worldwide, with 90% of research impact graded ‘world leading’ in Recent REF, and the University is proud to have ambitious plans for the future. A wide range of the broad expertise and skills for this call we can offer:
•Big data analytics/Machine Learning/AI and Robotics
•Software/Mobile App development/Digital platform development
•Gaming / virtual/augmented reality
•IoT, Cyber Physical Systems, Digital Twins, etc.
Administrative Information:
Organisation :
Professor Liangxiu Han,
Faculty lead for AI, Digital and Cyber Physical Systems Theme,
Deputy Director of Big Data Centre,
Department of Computing and Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Engineering,
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
We are happy to join or lead the consortium