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  • Expression of Interest

    Development of Geospatial Soil Health Platform

    I am leading a number of projects to provide farmers, and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector, with the essential data and support that would enable them to improve soil health by implementing changes in their farming practices using methods that they could implement under operational conditions. These projects seeks to overcome current limitations in the assessment of soil health by farmers by providing a new capability to accurately assess soil health over entire fields, at low cost, on a repeat basis, under operational, real-world conditions. To achieve this we are developing an active modular platform that uses updatable approaches on different cost levels. It addresses the need for a transparent platform to assess soil health indicators. Our projects are providing a rigorous, real-world demonstration of the capabilities of a range of next-generation environmental sensing and measurement systems, providing a measurement matrix for soil health indicators using proximal and remote sensing based approaches. A critical aspect of these projects are the inclusion of an extensive soil sampling campaign, integrated with AI technologies, to derive robust, accurate, reproducible, relationships between the digital soil measurements and soil health parameters providing verification of the remote sensing approaches sufficient to fully satisfy stakeholders in the agricultural sector.

    We are keen to work with research groups involved in research projects either in the development of novel AI and GIS methods applied to the processing of digital geospatial datasets. 

    We are available to either lead a proposal or partner in any appropriate project. 
