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The European Commission launched a few times ago an open access publishing platform: Open Research Europe. This platform was open to all Horizon 2020/Europe funded projects until recently and is now open to all projects funded by ERA-NETs like CHIST-ERA.

On its side, CHIST-ERA fully joins the Open Science agenda of the European Union. The researchers in CHIST-ERA funded projects will now benefit from an additional opportunity to promote good practices in terms of open access to their publications and underlying data. Among others, main benefits of publishing with Open Research Europe are:

  • Cost-free and rapid open access publication
  • Post-publication peer review that facilitates open and constructive dialogue
  • Multiple article types, allowing grant holders to publish throughout the life cycle of their project
  • Transparency and compliance with the European Commission’s publishing and data requirements

A webinar is proposed next March 7, 2023 by Open Research Europe to inform CHIST-ERA funded projects.

More information:


ORE_Leaflet.pdf 225.9 KB