The CHIST-ERA network selects 12 new projects for funding under the Call 2022 for a total budget of approx. 12,7 M€.
This decision follows a call for collaborative research proposals launched in 2022 around two topics:
- 8 projects belong to the Security and Privacy in Decentralised and Distributed Systems (SPiDDS) topic and;
- 4 projects belong to the topic on Machine Learning-based Communication Systems, towards Wireless AI (WAI).
The success rate of the call reaches 28,5%.
The objective of the CHIST-ERA funding is to support use-inspired basic research in the long-term technology domains of the call topics as well as the structuring of the corresponding interdisciplinary research communities in Europe. All 12 projects are multilateral projects involving at least three partners from three different countries: 13 different countries are represented in the funded projects. Almost 75% of the projects involve partners in the Widening Countries.
The projects will be funded by the national/regional funding organisations of CHIST-ERA. The monitoring of the projects will be ensured by CHIST-ERA via a yearly Projects Seminar.
The list of the selected projects is available here: