CHIST-ERA is looking for transformative and highly multidisciplinary research projects in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICST). They should explore new ideas with potential for significant scientific and technical impacts in the long term. Each year, CHIST-ERA launches a call for research proposals in two new topics of emergent scientific importance (the list of past call topics is available here). In the Call 2015, two separate topics are addressed, namely:
User-Centric Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things (SPTIoT)
Terahertz Band for Next-Generation Mobile Communication Systems (TMCS)
The official Call Announcement is available below as attachment.
Call deadline: 13th of January 2016 (17:00 CET)
For this call a one-step submission procedure is employed. The coordinator compiles a single full proposal using the templates available below as attachments and submit it via the Electronic Submission System (ESS): she or he uploads the project proposal description in the ESS and enters all the administrative and financial project data directly in the ESS (the financial template below is provided only to help preparing the proposal).
Electronic Submission System:
Besides, we provide a Partner Search Tool for submitting Expressions of Interest (EoI) by filling-in a webform. All the EoI can be viewed here.
For projects selected for funding, each partner of the consortium will be funded separately by their respective national or regional Research Funding Organisation (RFO). Therefore all national or regional regulations apply. Eligibility regulations for each RFO (or links to them) are given in the appendix of the Call Announcement. Additionally, each PrincipaI Investigator, not just the coordinator, can contact the respective RFO Contact Point sufficiently prior to submission regarding eligibility issues.
Call Information: Mathieu Girerd (ANR), Tel: +33 1 7354 8213 -